Thursday, June 18, 2015

Discover the Spirit

          Its been a while since I have written an entry. Today is Thursday, June 18th. I am currently typing from the comfort of our home. Since we have arrived on May 2nd, Mel and I have survived without cable TV or Internet until today. It seems it takes folks a lot longer to follow through with simple duties. For example, coming to your house to install cable and internet. At first, it was hard getting used to, not having the convenience of modern technologies. However, after some time went by I found myself not missing it much at all. People out in these parts of the country don't watch much TV or surf much of the internet. In fact, out of the grand total of 3 bars in the lovely town of Stanley, only one of them has only one small television. I found myself doing more activities outside, conversing with people more, and taking appreciation for some of the natural things in life. With that being said, I am sure I will go back to the zombie wasteland of what is called the world wide web, and cable television. I won't even fool myself. . . I have been desperately wanting to catch up on some of my favorite television shows. I.e. Sleepy Hollow, Gotham, House of Cards. Maybe a little television is exactly what I need for a healthy dose to make me feel less backwoods and a little more hometown. :)

          Another exciting tidbit of news, Mel and I received our refund check from our previous apartment in Leesburg, VA. A whopping total of 3,225 dollars. Normally, my first instinct would be to go to dinner, or to go shopping. However, this time around being so far from friends and family, all I thought about was taking a trip to go see my Mother in Missouri, Father in Virginia, and Grandparents in North Carolina. Unfortunately, time cannot allow for all of that right now nor can money. It is about 450 dollars round trip per person to fly out of Minot, and that is on a "hot deal" day. I am assuming prices of airfare is particularly high going in and out of North Dakota because of the demand in people for jobs in the Oil industry. However, I believe that field has been declining. Either way, they can jack the prices sky high when there is a demand for people knowing that they will pay the price, and on the other hand, they know they can jack the prices sky high when there isn't a need. Because who wants to come visit North Dakota, right? I know if you would have asked me before I moved here, "Paige, if you were to visit anywhere in the United States, where would it be?" I can tell you right now, my very LAST answer would have probably been North Dakota. However, I believe North Dakota has grown on me. The license plate in North Dakota is beautiful. It is a picture of a great blue sky over a prairie with a Bison on the bottom left and what I believe to be wheat on the bottom right. On the top of your plate is a slogan, "Discover the Spirit." I thought that was beautiful when i first read it. In fact, it is actually quite true. Most people like me would have thought of North Dakota as there last traveling place, but if you gave it a try to "Discover the Spirit" you find that you wont be completely disappointed.

          With all that being said, I will leave you with a quote I found by Sam Abell on Montana that fits perfectly with my perception of North Dakota.

"There are grander and more sublime landscapes-to me. There are more compelling cultures. But what appeals to me about central Montana is that the combination of landscape and lifestyle is the most compelling I've seen on this earth. Small mountain ranges and open prairie, and different weather different light, all within a 360-degree view."

Happy Trails.


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